2018 ‘us’ The London Group and Friends‘us’ for ‘Nothing Endures but Change’ The Waterloo Festival 2018. The London Group and Friends. Curator Susan Haire. ‘us’ Human scale drawings, of a Male and Female. Dust, Ash, Evo-Bond on Net. My early experiences were rooted in the normality and expectation of my temporality: Adam and Eve, 3 score years and 10, then my essence roaming new worlds as ash or dust. The media for ‘us’ is the dusty debris and the residue of human DNA and data of my family. Collected via the ritual of domestic cleaning. Dust is the substance that holds life together and could be viewed as a witness to human physical and spiritual vulnerability: ‘ashes to ashes, dust to dust’ Exposed on the railings, dust side to the Church and ash to Waterloo Road ‘us’ was exposed to nature for weeks. The elements redefined and redrew the work
| Making-‘us’-Media-Dust-Ash-Evobond-on-fine-netting-support.2018- | 'us' female detail | us-Installation-view.-Dust-and-ash-drawing-Male-and-Female-on-net.-1 |